Friday, May 11, 2012

My Wife Hates Steve Jobs

My wife hates Steve Jobs. It's true. She hates him with a passion. She thinks the creator of the iconic Macintosh and iPad computers is evil reincarnate. Why, you ask? The reason she harbors such hatred toward the man is because he undermines everything she tries to accomplish as a tiger mom.

You see, our kids are obsessed with my iPhone. They ask to play with it every chance they can. I would love for them to have as much fun with it as I do but when she is around, it stays safely in my pocket. Her idea of free time is to play puzzle games or practice the piano. Playing table tennis is as much recreation as they are allowed. And that is because we are paying for very expensive weekly ping pong lessons and she still has dreams of them making the U.S. Olympics team in 2020.

Apple products is the antithesis of this lifestyle. The computers are made specifically to be so easy to operate that even children can play with them with minimal instructions. But of course every minute they are playing "Temple Run" or "Sonic" is a minute taken from piano practice or Kumon. And that is not allowed to happen, ever. If she could flush my iPhone down the toilet she would. I think that is one reason why she still clings so loyally to her Blackberry. It is nearly impossible to play games or watch videos on her phone. Yet it's easy for her to text her friends. So that makes it her perfect phone.

But Steve (RIP) and his family shouldn't take it personally. She hates the person who invented the internet even more. So I guess Al Gore will never make it onto her friends list.

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