Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Asian Gene

Researchers at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA have identified a gene that appears to cause the formation of physical traits common with East Asian people. The gene, called EDAR, seems to lead to the production of thicker hair, increased sweat glands, distinctive teeth, and smaller breast tissue that are more common with East Asians. It is the mutation of this gene, which is in a different form in Caucasians and Blacks, that leads to these changes.

To determine if this mutated EDAR really causes all these changes, the researchers, Yana Kamberov and Pardis Sabeti, spliced the gene into the DNA of lab mice. When the mice reproduced with the new gene, they did indeed have thicker hair, more sweat glands, and smaller amount of breast tissue. Mice teeth are too different from humans for the researchers to make a distinction.

So now I'm wondering when we are going to have our first genetically modified Asian test tube baby. Asians already are world leaders in the use of cosmetic surgery in trying to change their looks to be more Caucasian. They want pointy noses, double layered eyelids, whiter skin. Now that we know some of the genes that can make somebody have more Caucasian physical characteristics, how soon before some rogue laboratory in Asia inserts this gene into a human embryo to create a mixed race child without actually having to have a mixed parentage? Even better for the parents, this restored EDAR gene could theoretically propogate down the family tree so that all their progeny would eventually contain the Caucasian gene that they so desire. This could put all those plastic surgeons in Asia out of business.

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