Thursday, March 5, 2015


I'm confused. Human sexuality was initially taught only as heterosexuality. Man and woman. Adam and Eve. However that wasn't fair to all the homosexuals who were kept in the closet. Then the homosexuals were welcomed out of their hiding places and we proudly cheered our inclusivity. Later bisexuals and transgender were added to the list, or LGBT. Okay. I'm down with that. The more inclusive the better, right? Then a couple of years ago I noticed LGBTQ. Q? I had to google that one. It turns out Q stands for Questioning. In other words they were not sure which category they fit into so they just tagged on another letter. But now the proliferation of letters and lifestyles have expanded to an almost comical degree.

The latest comes from Wesleyan University. In their student website, they offer a safe house for students of LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM persuasion. WTH? I'll save you some time, and so that you don't have to surf over to that site to find out what that means, LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM stands for 


Notice a few of those terms are paired or the acronym would reach an even more ridiculous length. I don't even know what some of those words mean, although sometimes I think my wife is the "A" in that list. I'm afraid to look up some terms on my computer lest I get caught for looking at something illegal on the internet. 

How did human sexuality become so convoluted? Do people really feel better about themselves knowing that there is a category for their feelings? Or does it just make them more anxious that none of the standard definitions fit them quite right and they have to invent one more? 

Perhaps this is one example where too much leniency proves detrimental to the person. Being allowed to do and feel anything they like without a strong supporting base for reference can make anybody feel confused and restless. I'm not saying that people should be ushered back into the closet. But having a sexuality that requires a safe house instead of gaining acceptance is not healthy either.