Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Justin Bieber's Dirty Song

My eight year old daughter and I were recently in the car listening to a Top 40 radio station. I asked her who she and her friends thought were cool singers currently. Naturally Taylor Swift was at the top of the list. Then of course there is Katy Perry. They even think Adele is pretty cool. I asked her about Justin Bieber. Does she think he's cool?

She said no, he is definitely not cool. I was suprised. I thought all girls in her age group were madly in love with the Biebs. She replied that she thinks Bieber's music is dirty. Really? What little of Bieber's music I know all sound pretty innocent and teeny bopper to me.

Which of his songs is dirty? She said "Baby." "Baby?" Trying my hardest to recall the words to that song, I don't remember any particularly inflammatory language in there. So I asked her why "Baby" is a dirty song. She replied that "Baby" is dirty because babies make all sorts of stinky poop. That's why it's dirty.

I had to suppress my laughter. Her definition of dirty is literally dirty, not the cynical sexual innuendo we adults have come to associate the word dirty with most music. Children, they are so innocent and literal. I hope she never grows up.